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Software Development

Running Database Migrations with Turso DB and Prisma ORM

Find yourself switching database providers and are now using Turso but not sure how to run a database migrations effectively? In this step-by-step guide, we'll explain the process and show how to run database migrations using Turso DB and Prisma ORM.


May 23, 2024


Jun 9, 2024

Plumber Jobs USA Commitment to Carbon Removal

Plumber Jobs USA is a plumber focused job board we created to fill a gap we saw in the plumbing industry. We're using Stripe for our payments, and they have an initiative for companies to help reduce their environmental impact and combat climate change.


Jun 30, 2024

Software Development

Proxying a Framer site through your existing Next.js site

In this guide, we will discuss how to proxy a framer site through your existing or new Next.js site. Some use cases for this are if you want to blog on Framer or create marketing pages that need to be easily customizable. Instead of setting up a headless CMS like Prismic, you can create unique pages in Framer. Or do both, like we've done for a few clients (Prismic for SEO pages, Framer for paid advertising landing pages).


Apr 12, 2024

Software Development

Migrating from PlanetScale to Turso DB

Step-by-step guide on how to switch from PlanetScale's MySQL database to Turso DB, an SQLite-based database management system


Mar 29, 2024

Web Development

Which web platform is right for you in 2023?

Check out the latest in building websites with our detailed guide on different tools like Next.js, Framer, Wix, and Shopify. Find the best web platform for your project, whether making a web app or starting your online store.


Dec 9, 2023

Welcome to our newly designed website


Nov 20, 2023